Chris Adler ya no está en Megadeth

Si creíamos que la estabilidad en Megadeth iba a ser duradera, estábamos un poco equivocados. Dave Mustaine ha declarado la salida de la banda del baterista Chris Adler, el cual ha tenido que dejar apartado sus labores con Megadeth, debido a su compromiso con la banda Lamb of God. Según ha declarado Mustaine, Chris era un batería contratado para las sesiones de estudio, y poco más. Su banda es Lamb of god, y siempre ha sido así. Ahora toca buscar un nuevo batería para el grupo. El cual ya saben perfectamente que no será Chris Adler.  Abajo os dejo las declaraciones de Dave Mustaine:

"If you're in the presence of greatness, it's shameful not to allow that to be great. But let me back up though: Chris Adler is not in Megadeth, he's in Lamb of God. He was a session guy, he was what you could call work for hire. And he has nothing to do with us anymore, and he is with his band. I am very grateful for his contributions, I'm grateful for him introducing us to Dirk. We still haven't announced who our new drummer is going to be, it won't be Chris Adler, because he's in Lamb of God. As far as having new guys in the band, as you grow up you have a choice either to learn from your mistakes or you're destined to repeat them. And a lot of the things that I do, because of the nature of who I am, every move that I make is chronicled. There are a couple of websites in particular that would go under if it wasn't for me, because they survive off of posting every breath I take."
